Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Self Portrait

I chose to put this picture in because I love being outdoors. I TA for the Natural History class and going out and teaching people about the world around them is very rewarding. I like this picture because it sparkles, almost. It was a dark cold day, but days like those bring so much beauty because of how the rain makes things glisen. 

Indian Plum

Indian Plum is the first thing to blum in the spring. I love how gray the forest is and then you see this amazing pop of green color. Its magical. I love how vivid the green is in this picture. 

Court of Roses

I love the muted colors of this picture. I love old fashion tings, and the Rose Festival in Portland is one of the most old fashion things that I can think of.  Its over 100 years but it still has the same idea and spirt. As a native Portlander I always look fordward to it. 


This picture also respents me as a native Portlander. This is a work of public art in Portland that I love. I love how it also sparkles and is full of color. 


This is a picture that I took of myself. I like how warm the picture is because it was taken in my apartment and I like to think of my home as a warm and welcoming place.