Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Blur, Gots Some Blur

Here I am attempting to element blur in my pictures. Here is my first picture and my first attempt. It was not too blurry, but I really like this picture and I wanted to make sure it looks good. I followed this tutorial to fix the blur.


Edited: I feel like this one has more details. However it was not much of an edit, so I tried again with this picture.


Edited one: I followed the same steps to sharpen the picture as I did above. 

I still felt like I needed to challenge myself so I chose this picture of a statue. This picture is very blurry so I did my best to edit it.


First I reduced the blur and sharpened it:

Although this image was sharper, it had a lot of noise. I did my best to use what we learned last year to reduce the noise. 

Sharpening things is a lot of work. It has taught me the importance to making good exposures, so you have less work to do. I just got back from my spring break trip, only to realize that I took my 1300 pictures in low quality JEPG's. Now fixing images is even harder. I'm glad I'm leering the tools though to fix pictures. 

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