Monday, April 16, 2012

Noise, so much noise

So I just returned home from my spring break trip to London and Italy and let me tell you I took a lot of pictures. Being a backpacker I could not afford (both money and space) to buy too many souvenirs. I bought the essentials (a juice box of wine, and a scarf) but most of the memories of my trip came in the form of pictures. In the 10 days I was there I took over 13000 pictures. Here is one of my pictures from Florence of the Ponte Vecchio or Old Bridge. 


Noisy spot

For my first attempt to edit this picture I followed a tutorial called Two Minuet Fix of Noise Blur. However I was unhappy with the end result. 

I though that this almost had more noise than the original. 

For my next try I followed tutorial that used a Gaussian Blur. I followed this step by step. I was happy with this but I though that the water still had too much noise. 

I used the magnetic lasso to chose the water and then copy and paste it.  I then used filters like Smart Blur and Dust and Scratches to reduce noise more. 

From there I used the blur tool to blend the extra edited part of the water into the background layer. 

Here is the original noisy part. I think that it has much less noise now. 

Here is the final picture. 

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